Monday, March 19, 2012

Lost in the Garden Ridge Maze

I took a trip out to my local Garden Ridge and strolled around for about 2 hours. Its so easy to get lost in there! I went in search of pots to plant some spider plants for my dad's new house and boy were there about a zillion choices! I did ended up purchasing a small blue one, along with a few items for myself. I snapped some pictures while I was in the store of things I liked, was entertained by, made me laugh and of course, featured owls.

Here are my Garden Ridge sightings...

They had some pretty great fabric table cloths (above) that would make fantastic curtains!

Lots and lots of pots. So many to choose from, I think I must have picked up and examined about thirty!

 Don't 'cha just love the cowboy boots and the biker knome?!

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