Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Every night after work last week I worked on the treads. They currently have three coats of polyurethane and are sporting a semi-gloss sheen. I used Minwax Semi-Gloss Fast Drying Polyurethane that I picked up at Lowes, and it cost about 10 bucks. (And yes, that's a wide mouth ball jar!)

I applied it with a standard paint brush that I had on hand. In my one previous experience with poly, I learned very quickly that it is drippy, sticky, and kind of a mess to work with. After the first board, I figured out that it was best to use long broad strokes up and down the board repeatedly to combat the drippage factor. I also had to master tilting my head at the right angle so that the light would grab the sheen just right so that I could inspect and correct any drippage. Can you imagine my crooked neck and over used arm? It sure makes for one tired gal! And did I mention the fumes? Poly stinks. Seriously stinks! I'm pretty sure I've killed off some brain cells this week. The first two coats I was able to do outside, but tonight it decided to rain so I had to bring the boards into the laundry room for the final coat.

So here are the shiny boards, in their temporary laundry room home. They are ready and willing to be installed this weekend!

And here's a close up of one of the boards, ain't she beautiful!!!!!?!


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