Thursday, June 21, 2012

Junked out!

In lieu of two upcoming summer vacations, my goal is to tackle super cheap and/or free home projects. My first free project is to tackle the junk. Yes, I admit it. I have a ton of random items hiding in drawers, cabinets, behind furniture, etc. As I mentioned before, in a 107 year old house you must get creative with storage. 

Example number one- just a seemingly harmless dresser in the kitchen.

Until you open the drawers and BAM, tons of junk! A couple of the drawers are so filled that you can open them with out putting a little muscle on them. Ughhhh...

I started small with the top two drawers.

Once I got the drawers cleaned out, I discovered that what I really needed was some drawer organizers. Well, in keeping with the cheap/free theme I started looking around the kitchen. I thought that maybe a deep plate or bowl could serve the same purpose. And that's when I came across 3 small loaf pans. All three fit across the drawer perfectly! BINGO! One for batteries, random small tools, and lastly pens and pencils. Oh its lovely! And for those of you that are worrying- I can't remember the last time I used those pans, if ever. Two of them were part of Christmas presents from kids a few years ago and the third is a Pyrex I thrifited.

Next I worked my way down and through each drawer. I came across some interesting stuff...

(poker chips, one AWESOME cell phone, bump it hair accessory, endless random cards, chicken bowl, coasters from a bar, mustache, old fortune, screws/hangers...)

In reality, there was about 50% trash and about 50% random junk worth saving. After removing everything I started figuring out a new organization plan. The top drawer is now home to my observe jar collection, deviled egg platters, and random decorative plates.

The next drawer is now home to tablecloths, place mats, cloth napkins, aprons, and a few small trays. 

And lastly, the bottom draw is home to random decorative junk. Some decorative dishes, mugs, rope lights, and a large IKEA bag (which is the best for the beach!). This one is still a bit junky but it is organized and able to be opened.

And then I was left with this...

Oh joy- random little junk. After the last 2 hours- I am junked out! Time to go catch some Law and Order!

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