Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Front "yard"

I call it the front yard, but its really the size of a large garden bed. Ahh the joys of the city! Although its small, I give its lots if love! This is what it looks like in the winter...

It's pretty sad, but in the springtime it turns into one rockin' front bed. To the left is a camilla and a dwarf gardina. Towards the middle some ornamental grass, clemantis, bugleweed, creeping jenny, a pink alzalea, a peonia (that isn't doing much but I'm going to give it another year) a pink hydranga, and to the far right a scarlet o'hara. Hiding below the dirt there are daffodils, hostas, caladiums,  and calla lilies. This year I added a mounding phlox, a new hosta, impatiens, and a pink begonia. And so, currently it looks like this...

I still need to lay down a few bags of mulch, but ahhhhh, springtime how I love thee!!!! (Aside from the insane pollen we're experiencing) I know that I most likely should have waited to plant my impatiens but having no patience and such great weather I took a gamble. I love them because they're one of the few plants that will grow and continually flower in my shady front area. I'm hoping the local weather man isn't right with his potential freeze/snow after Easter. Either way, they were less than a buck each! Here are some close ups for you to enjoy...

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