Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Backyard Spraypaint Shennagins

During my recent Garden Ridge trip, I eyed up several wire art pieces for the fence in the backyard. 
This is the current piece that hangs on the fence door. I bought it at Big Lots about two years ago. As you can see, it had lived a full sun burned life. It's rusty and even crumbly in some places. Hence the need for something new!
I popped into Five Below and in browsing came upon these two wire photo holders.
I held them up next to each other and volia- I had my newest fence decoration. And to the tune of ten buckaroos! Oh yeah, I love some Five Below! I dug through my paint collection, and decided on a bright primary yellow, since there are already yellow accents in the back yard including our giant umbrella. Using the cardboard that the medallions came in as my painting surface, I popped open the paint and started with the first coat. 

 After a few minutes, I quickly decided that the paint was clumping and not the best for this project. So I decided to revisit my old friend, spraypaint. The array of spraypaint colors has really exploded and there are so many cute shades! Using a sunshine yellow, I used three coats on the medallions letting each coat dry in between. Once totally dry I hung the medallions up. Here they are-

While, I was on my spraypaint kick I thought I'd jump on another mini-project. Last fall I purchased two metal vanity chairs for five bucks each. At such a low price, I could not leave these cute chairs in the store. My plan was to paint them and use them as plant stands. Although, I love a good fake gold finish I wanted to make sure they would hold up against the outdoor elements. I forgot to take a before of both chairs, so here is one before-
And after three coats of yellow spray paint, here is the second one after-
Oh, I am seriously in love with this little yellow chair/plant stand. Its so cherry and cute! And not to mention it's a unique plant stand for only five bucks!

Also, as you can see in the above picture the yard is sporting a brand new coat of mulch. I'm feeling so ahead of the curve this year, usually we put off mulching for as long as possible but it's such hard work. Our back yard is completely grass-less, with a small deck, brick patio and plants flanking along the right and left sides. While we LOVE not having to maintain grass, we do have to put in a full day of mulching and mulching preparation (removing leaves, sticks, dead plants/weeds). So I'll leave you today with some photos of the newly manicured backyard.


(pumpkin seedlings)

(hen and chicken)

(snap dragon)

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